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Close to the Sun

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Tales 1 | Chapter 6 | Tales 2
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Tales 3 | Tales 4 | Tales 5 | Tales 6 | Chapter 10 | Tales 7
Tales 8 | Chapter 11 | Tales 9 | Tales 10 | Tales 11 | Tales 12

Tales From Sirca Chapter 9: Short End of The Stick

"York, I must ask a favor."

The statement would have been less of a surprise had it not come from the mouth of Aries, he and Icarus had been at the base for two days now and he hadn't asked for a thing. If he needed something it might be serious.

"Sure, buddy." Aries looked away and crossed his arms, still visibly uncomfortable with the name. "Whaddya need?"

Aries scoffed at the implication that he needed anything from anyone, but his face seemed occupied with thought. "I need a vehicle."

"Well, if you want to go on a joyride, I'm sure that S-"

"I want to take Icarus out to Sampi, to see his mother. He doesn't know I'm taking him yet."

"Oh. Well, I could arrange something, but why not ask Wash?"

Aries' face soured. "I think Agent Washington wouldn't understand."

"You still don't trust him?"

Aries shook his head.

"I'll get you a ride, Aries. Just make sure you bring it back."

Aries turned his head to look York in the eyes.

"My word, as solid as the steel of my blade- is what I give you."


Aries tapped his hand against the steering wheel as they chugged along the icy road, to him they were in the middle of snowbound bumfuck nowhere. But Aries was operating on Icarus' directions, if anyone knew the lay of the land it would be him. Just like how he did on every single one of their ventures he wore his full armor set and brought both his guns, something Aries had trained into him as they never knew when a situation could unfold. The alabaster chupa seemed excited but had been silent since the first sight of snow, then put his helmet on when the snowfall began.

"Take that off." The albino turned his head to Aries. "I do not think your parents will recognize you with it on, I think they would want to see your face."

"R-right." Nervous didn't even begin to describe his tone.

"You should calm down. I'm sure they'll be happy to see you."

"You said it like you wouldn't come in and meet them."

Aries remained silent.

"You are going to come in and meet them, right?"

"I-" He turned his head slightly away tightly gripping the wheel. "I do not feel that would be wise. I don't think I would be welcome in their home."

"You're joking, right? My mom would be thrilled to meet you."

"You think so?"

Icarus took off his helmet and his white mane fluffed out, there was an amused grin on his muzzle. "She's my mother, Aries. I think I know her enough to say she'll like you. You're coming inside."

"What makes you think I will?"

"Because I asked you to."

Aries let out a noise that Icarus thought almost sounded like a chuckle but could have been a cough, they both shared a comfortable silence. Nothing was said and both parties seemed content. It was something initially that Icarus had started, telling Aries to just trust him. The ninja chupa allowed it but didn't understand why they would just sit in silence with each other, Aries would never admit it, but it brought him some peace.

The drive dragged on for another ten minutes before Icarus tapped the dashboard, "Aries, Aries- pull over!"

The black-maned chupa did as he was asked nearly started by the sudden alarm in his partner's voice, "Why? What? Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just... This is where..."

"I understand. Do you happen to have a lighter on you?"

"No, I've only got the matchbox that bat-guy and Sammy gave me."

"That'll do."

Aries stepped out of the truck and into the blistering cold snowy winds unflinching, he didn't feel the cold. He shut his door and came around to Icarus' side where he hopped out sniper rifle in hand, he placed the matchbox in Aries' hand and began to walk off the road stopping in front of a raised mound of snow. The Rogue Leader stood back and watched as Icarus began to dust the snow off a wooden post marker, by now Icarus' hands and mane were soaked. Aries could feel the misery in his eyes when he turned to look at him.

Aries, without really thinking, began talking.

"I didn't know this Kris person but judging by what you told me, they had your best interests at heart. You wanted to leave home and they provided you with a way, and even in death they still inspired you to continue what you started. They gave up their life so you could live. I can only hope they died believing they had done the right thing; may they rest easy."

Aries removed his short horizontal blade, handing it off to Icarus, and placing his finger inside the scabbard pulling out three incense sticks. He flipped out a match, holding it close to his body to protect the flame from the wind, and struck it a few times before it caught light and lit each stick before setting it down in the snow on the grave marking.

Icarus raised his rifle to the sky, "Thank you."

He fired off all the rounds in his magazine with a couple of seconds gap between each shot.

"Okay, now we can go."

The two climbed back into the truck and were off once more. Aries ordinarily could care less for this part of Sirca, it was cold and full of weirdos. It still is cold and full of weirdos, but he would tolerate it for Icarus' sake.

The road curved and Aries maneuvered around the bend and swore he saw a thick grey cloud over the next hill, he squinted his eyes. The closer they got, the thicker, darker, and lower the cloud got until they crested over the hill and could see the source. A cabin that stood alone near the tree line was ablaze and puffing thick black smoke into the air, Aries slammed on the brakes skidding to a halt before he hopped out to stare in absolute horror. He feared it was exactly what he thought it was.

His fears were confirmed when he watched Icarus step away from the vehicle with his helmet at his hip, his tail lay limp, and his jaw worked but no words made it out of his throat.

The helmet dropped and sunk slightly into the snow, and then he finally managed to make a noise. A panic-stricken almost animalistic scream tore its way out of Icarus' throat, hitting Aries like a dagger. Icarus took off toward the house and Aries tore off after him in pursuit, only managing to tackle his almost possessed seeming partner to the ground within fifty feet of the burning home. Aries twisted the smaller chupa's arm to stop him from trying to squirm free and to stop him from screaming.

"Icarus, stop!"

The albino rolled over with a strength that Aries had never felt from him before and a right hook slammed into his face, knocking him off and into the snow. Icarus scrambled to his feet and just stared at the flames eating away at the home. All the energy seemed sapped from his body. Aries jumped up massaging his jaw, ninja chupa joined his partner who'd finally stopped screaming. It had melted down into a feverish sniffling, the smaller chupa's eyes seemed somehow redder than usual. Neither said a word but both knew that if someone was in there that they'd be charcoal at this point. Aries slowly wrapped his arms around Icarus and Icarus let him, the albino's legs buckled and the two knelt quietly on the ground watching the house be eaten by the flame. Icarus was stunned with grief, but Aries burned with rage. The fire had small trails in the snow that almost created a ring around the house, someone had set the home on fire. This was intentional incineration.

Someone was going to pay for this with their life.

Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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