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Tales 8 | Chapter 11 | Tales 9 | Tales 10 | Tales 11 | Tales 12

Tales From Sirca Chapter 5

"State your name and occupation."

The request was simple, but an annoyance to the tan female in Blue army standard issue armor.

"Miranda. Robin Miranda, Private First Class. PH.D. Blue Army Combat Medic. Former Special Forces site medic."

Miranda crossed her arms, flipping back her short mane and glaring at the suited chupa across the table shrouded in shadow. He seemed to be writing something down and shifted around some papers.

"I have a document here that says you examined a soldier named Icarus Willar, is that true?"

"You already know the answer, don't you?"

"Miss Miranda, please answer the question."

Miranda sighed, "Doctor Miranda. Yes, on multiple occasions I examined a soldier by the name of Icarus Willar. What about it? I examined hundreds of soldiers on that base. Treated them too."

"Recount the first time you met Mister Willar."

Miranda raised an eyebrow; she couldn't understand what relevance this held.

"The first time I met Icarus, at least while he was conscious, was after a training exercise incident. I arrived on the scene in the ‘dojo' as we called it to the sight of a white chupa being forcefully removed from the back of another, both Icarus and the other soldier were bloody and beaten. However, Icarus' condition before I arrived was never brought to my attention. He was restrained to the floor and in fear of a possible serious concussion, I made sure he stayed down and got him back to the medical bay before administering treatment. He had to be sedated as he still resisted in his condition."

"So, you would say he was belligerent?"

"Anyone who thought they were in imminent danger would be."

"How would you describe his temperament?"

"I don't understand what exactly you will do with this-"

The interviewer cut her off in a warning tone, "I won't ask again, Miss Miranda. Answer the question."

"His temperament? He neglected himself, constantly. He wouldn't eat, he couldn't sleep, and he refused to bathe. I was able to eventually get him to do these things."

"You built some type of rapport with him?"

"I just talked to him. Like everyone on the base refused to do. I'd go as far as saying he trusted me. At least more than Kovich or his squad leader Sera."

The male across from her was silent for a moment, before pulling a briefcase from under the table and pulling out a tablet from the case. Had she been a civilian, this level of tech would have been unheard of. The screen was turned on and it was a camera recording, a frozen frame of Miranda holding Icarus by the forearm of his suit leading him into the medical bay. The chupa hit play, there was no sound, but Miranda didn't need sound. Icarus hopped up onto one of the medical beds taking a seat, Miranda approached him with a mini flashlight and shined it in his face. She watched intently as her and Icarus' mouths moved silently before he violently slammed his hand into the metal frame of the bed bending it out of shape and leapt to his feet. The video was paused at the moment where she reached behind her back.

"Would you mind explaining these events?"

"I'd brought him back to medical after concerns expressed by his squad leader. He wasn't aware that his squad leader had been the one to inform me that he was having problems, he also wasn't too happy to find that she ratted him out and took it out on the bed."

"You reached for your service weapon in fear of your own safety?"

She pressed her hands on the table, "Yes, but- It was a reaction that's been drilled into us, I don't think I would have actually shot one of my own patients."

"You don't think," The interviewer challenged.

"I would never shoot someone who needs my help."

"Would you say his behavior that day was typical?"

"Far from it. He became a completely different person than the one I'd gotten to know, especially after he got his hands on that armor. But now I have to ask a question. Why so much interest in him? Why call me up about it? I don't even work at that facility anymore. They replaced me with some guy I never even met and put me in some base in the jungle."

The interviewer sighed and leaned forward, "You're the only person we have on record who seemed to be within good standing with him. He would trust you; we have reason to believe he went AWOL after being shot down in a pelican after refusing to follow orders. You could have your old job back. All we need you to do is to help ensure Icarus' capture and identification. We could have you draw him out-"

"You people make me sick. I'm not doing it. I'm done with this interview; I'd like to go back to my base now. My leftenant has a gash that needs to be redressed."

"Right. Sorry for wasting your time."

The interviewer put away the screen and pressed a button on a device that was sat on the table that Miranda hadn't even initially noticed, it was a voice recorder. She was suddenly very glad she picked her words carefully, knowing the organization she didn't know to who that recording might be handed off.

Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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