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Close to the Sun

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Tales 1 | Chapter 6 | Tales 2
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Tales 3 | Tales 4 | Tales 5 | Tales 6 | Chapter 10 | Tales 7
Tales 8 | Chapter 11 | Tales 9 | Tales 10 | Tales 11 | Tales 12

Chapter 11

"Why do you wanna keep the bullet that nearly killed me?"

I scrunched my face in confusion, throwing a glance over to Samson who seemed to roll his eyes at me. The armory was starting to feel like a hangout room every single time the three of us met here, even Aries seemed to relax. The shorter chupa just sat on his overturned trashcan, loading his magnum and stuffing it in his utility belt. Aries turned the dented round in his hand before revealing the string he'd had it on and put it on hiding it under his white scarf, I don't know if it was because of my near-death experience but Aries has been protective recent. He'd barely even let Miranda touch me.

"I think of it as a lucky charm," he commented, standing up and racking the slide on his handgun. "We got a date to keep. Let's get evil."

I opened my mouth to question but Samson dropped his goggles over his eyes and grabbed his bag, "It means get ready."

Get evil. That's a new one. I wonder-

I slammed the magazine in my rifle, I wasn't frustrated but annoyed. Aries didn't seem all in on this one, but his voice didn't give it away. I watched as he glared off into empty space tapping a clawed digit on his handgun before he finally put it away. He seemed distracted.

"Evil indeed," I stepped away and scooped up my sniper, Automag, and bag, "Helmet, or no?"

"Bring it just in case."

"Just in case," I frowned. "Aren't we meeting Wash?"

"We are," He went rigid as he returned the sword to its place on his back, there was a look in his eyes. He faced me and put his hands on my shoulders, "But I don't trust him. I said no guns, but there's no way to know that he will honor it. I will not be caught out like that. Better safe than dead. If this goes as planned, nobody gets hurt and we have one less enemy to fight. If not... Someone's not leaving that meeting. Meet me at the 'hog when you two are ready, I need to make sure Miranda is situated."

He lumbered past the two of us and there was silence once more. Samson just seemed to be trying to mind his own business, but his demeanor was off. First Aries now him, what the hell was going on?

"What gives, Sam," I demanded, this was weird, and I didn't like it. Aries was never this awkward. "You and Aries are acting weird, what's up?"

"You really don't understand how rough his history is with Freelancers, do you," Samson questioned. "It must have been traumatic just judging off his sheer hatred for them. He's never told me the specifics-"

"Then he probably wouldn't want you speculating about his past then, would he? He'll tell me when he tells me. I'm ready, that meeting isn't gonna attend itself."


I threw the hog in park and hopped out, I had to give it to Aries- He knew how to pick a location. Even though it was night, I could roughly see in the dim moonlight. As deep as we were in the jungle, there was a wide natural path that we had taken to get to the meeting place. The hog's headlights illuminated the area in front of us. Said place was a clearing surrounded by trees and thick brush, there wasn't civilization for miles, and it was secluded. I threw a glance back to the hog, Miranda sat in the bed of the truck glancing around nervously. On the other hand, Aries had picked up a stick and began drawing lines and Xs in the dirt. Samson remained in the passenger's seat, pistol drawn and held low.

I gripped my rifle with one hand and made my way to the bed of the hog offering the doctor an assisting hand, she took it and lowered herself to the ground. "Think Wash'll show?"

"He wouldn't leave anyone behind," Miranda said taking her bandana and stuffing it in her chest armor. "I can only hope Aries doesn't fuck this up."


Aries called back toward the warthog in odd, accented language before looking back toward me, "The steps are set, we will set the tempo. Kill the lights, Stray take a position by the driver's side. Miranda. Stay out of sight until I signal you. We do this my way."

I did as I was told, taking a kneeling position leaning against the driver's sidestep, and rifle up. I could hear Miranda reluctantly shuffle back, Aries walked to the front of the hog and leaned against it with his arms crossed facing the clearing. Then Samson killed the lights and the silence set in, insects chirping in the dark and the sound of metal settling from the hog. I didn't like the silence, but it seemed to fill itself with a light-clicking sound, then I realized I was tapping a claw on my rifle.

I'm not nervous, they're nervous.

It felt like ages were passing. Just when I was about to ask how much longer there was a distant revving of an engine, it quickly grew loud then the tires skid to a halt and the engine was shut off. Distant talking prickled at the edge of my hearing and only grew closer.

"Twenty seconds," Aries whispered over his shoulder.

The voices grew closer and closer until I could hear a female voice.

"Fuck's sake Wash, let him pick the location- Genius."

Wash's voice clapped back, "At least you have armor, stop complaining. This looks like the place."

York's voice piped up, "You think he might be running late-"

The lights flashed on, and four figures covered their eyes from the warthog's high beams, I edged forward to get a better view. Wash, York, Jersey, and a chupa I didn't recognize stood defensively. The last had brightly colored nails. All were armed, but no guns were drawn as far as I could see.

"Eyes on, Aries," I whispered to him, "I count four."

"Glad you could make it, Freelancers," Aries turned his head toward the unknown chupa, "And uninvited guest. I thought I was quite clear, Washington."

Aries snapped his fingers, I stepped out of my hiding spot and next to him while Samson stood up in the passenger seat.

"You weren't very straightforward either," Wash countered putting his hands on his hips, clearly not intimidated. "I was led to believe that it would be just you and Icarus-"

"I never told you that. I said it would be of no question. As in none of your concern."

"That wasn't the deal."

"There was a no guns part to that too."

"We aren't going to travel unarmed, as long as we keep the weapons away, we should be good to talk."

"Or it means I can't trust you."

"You cheeky fuck," Jersey croaked with a voice crack, drawing her SMG.

Everyone moved and there was a chorus of charging handles being cocked and safeties switching off, me included. A weapon pointed in every direction.

"Whoa," I shouted pointing my rifle at the fairly short greyish chupa across from me, I pushed the rifle into my left hand and drew the Automag from the holster with my right pointing it at York.

"No sudden moves motherfuckers," Samson called out.

"Goddamn it, J," Wash growled.

"This is FUBAR as fuck," I muttered in a sing-song voice trying to keep cool while glaring at the Freelancers.

"Would you look at that," Aries started up, "One thing isn't to your liking and it's back to guns? You must have a fetish for this, Agent Washington."

Wash glared down his sight at my partner, "When you have a pistol aimed at my head, I'd like to not leave myself defenseless. Surely you understand."

"Maybe let's-"

Aries cut off the short chupa, "Shut up, short stack. The adults are talking."

"Don't talk to Sammy like that you fuckin' snake," Jersey shouted.

I rolled my shoulder, "Watch your mouth, Agent Jersey. It'd be a shame if my finger slipped."

"You wouldn't, you greasy snow tramp."

"If you wanna keep your brains in your skull you'll chill out with that shit girlie- Don't talk shit on my boy," Samson shouted from behind me.

Damn straight, he's got my back.

Aries flashed a toothy grimace at the four across from us, "I fucking knew it. You talk about trusting and she reaches for her weapon- You better keep your associates on a short leash, Freelancer."

"Or what-"

"Or I'll fuckin' hang you from it! Look at that. Now that we've got the adrenaline flowing... That helmet doesn't shield the look in your eyes, Astrid. Pull that trigger. I dare you. It'll make you feel so much better, won't it? That's how you solve all your problems right? In a hail of indiscriminate gunfire. But it better kill me, 'cause if it doesn't- I'll gut you while you're still alive. No need to haunt you."

"Don't you talk about that," Jersey shook angrily, her tail lashing. "You don't know what happened- you weren't there."

"I know what you did, Astrid. I've seen your... Work. You can't lie to me."

"I'll fucking kill you!"

York loosened up his stance and put his firearm away, "Hey, hey! Let's wind down a little, okay? Ease it back some. Let's all put the guns down. No point in wasting time shooting at each other after going through all this effort, right? Let's start with you. Icarus, you mind not pointing that at my friends and me?"

Aries looked back at me and for the first time since I'd been with him, I didn't know what to do. I knew what was expected of me, but nothing seemed like the right choice. I settled on pointing my rifle at Astr- Agent Jersey as she seemed like the bigger threat and lowered the pistol away from York. As much as I would have liked to lower my weapon, Jersey looked like she was ready to pounce. Aries' gaze relaxed and he turned his eyes back to Washington who refused to lower his weapon. I darted my eyes toward the chupa Jersey had called 'Sammy' and he'd lowered his gun too; the situation was starting to be more and more under our control.

"York, I need you to stop talking sense right now," Agent Jersey kept her submachine guns pointed at Aries but allowed York and the short chupa gently lower her guns. "This is bad news. You know it."

I hadn't actually seen Agent Washington pull out his Battle Rifle, but he lowered the barrel away from Aries' head. He glanced at me and motioned with his eyes at Aries, Aries and Samson were the only ones with guns still raised. I took a step over and raised a trembling hand, I hesitated. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but I was still afraid all the same. I gripped his shoulder and waited. The ninja chupa relaxed his shoulders, flourished his pistol with a spin, and returned it to the holster before resting his opposite hand on the handle of his horizontal blade. With that, Washington finally lowered his weapon.

"See, we're all reasonable people here. So, you got Miranda? Jersey's been antsy since our call."

Aries tapped my leg with his tail, I made my way around to the back of the hog where Miranda was hunkered down.

"The shootout done," She jabbed brushing the mane out of her face.

"Very funny, doc," I carefully helped her to her feet and walked the doctor over.

Miranda walked past her other allies and straight into the open arms of Agent Jersey, she picked up the doctor in a tight hug and twirled her around for a moment before putting her down and clearing her throat.

"I don't like it," The armored agent seemed a bit more relaxed despite her aggressive stance practically shielding the doctor from Aries with her body, "He gave us back Miranda but that doesn't mean shit to me, 'specially when his guys point iron in my face. It's your call, Wash."

"So, what's it going to be, Aries," Washington stared at Aries almost matching the solid steel glare Aries gave him, like a mental battle. "We either make this happen or go our separate ways."

Two leaders trying to read each other. Like two apex predators passing in the wilderness...

Aries took a step forward, "I get my wish on the involvement with planning?"

"I can get you in and we'll be open to strategic suggestions," Wash saw this but stood his ground.

"The intel, what you know on the projects you were a part of- Who you know- who you plan to know- everything?"

Aries closed some more distance. Wash tightened the grip on his rifle.

"Whatever you want, as long as I know what you plan to do with it."

Aries snarled and stood over Washington. Well, standing over wouldn't do it justice. He towered over the shorter chupa with mere inches of separation between them and glowered down at him with a murderous smile. York and I simultaneously took a step forward to get close to the both of them as it looked like this might get physical.

"And the ceasefire? The alliance? I need to know that your people will respect our agreement. Can you vouch that none of my men will be harmed by yours? Can you? Agent Washington?"

"Without a doubt, rogue. You have my word. From one to another."

Wash stared up at him, matching his intensity with a stone-cold stare. Aries let out a low 'hmph' that I could have sworn was a chuckle and reached a hand back toward me, I removed my knife and placed it in his hand. He placed it in his left hand, gripped the blade with his right, and cut his palm. It bled very little but even still I figured it must have hurt, Aries looked as if he felt no pain. The black chupa stuck out his hand to shake and offered the knife.

"Make it official then."

There was something impish about the new grin on my partner's face until Wash took the knife and did the same before shaking Aries' hand although he bled a little bit more.

"Hardcore. Not too deep, pushed a little hard, and went straight through your gloves. You must be good with knives. You'll do, Agent Washington. Welcome to the Rogues."

"Welcome to the Resistance."

Aries turned back toward the hog, "Sam?"

I held in the urge to chuckle at the double-take Aries hit as two chupas answered him, this was too tense. Getting shot at was less stress-inducing than this standoff. He shook his head and looked toward our hog.

"Rollout back, you're standing in command until we get back. Those plays need to get done still."

"Rog'," Samson hopped over into the driver's seat, "Get back soon, Aries."

Now I was confused, I couldn't understand why he told Samson to leave. How in the hell were we gonna get back to base? Walking? I looked to Aries who watched our warthog peel out and speed off into the trees, there was something going on he didn't tell me, and clearly not the Freelancers as they seemed just as puzzled as me.

"Ay, your ride left," Jersey commented pointing after it.

Aries' smile went into hiding under the cover of his scowl, "Agent Washington. I wish to see your HQ."

"Oh hell-"

"Astrid," Washington cut in, silencing Jersey, "It's gonna be a tight fit, but we can make room for the ride there."

"You serious, Wash?"

"Absolutely. Like it or not, he's our new ally. Neither of us can afford to make enemies and he gets results. Besides, from what you told me he's always wanted to see the base anyhow."

"Well look at you being a peacemaker, I didn't even have to step in," York commented. "I told you, you two are more alike than you think. I'll go start the truck."

"Shotgun!" Jersey called following close behind the larger freelancer.

"Shotgun- Dammit," Miranda cursed.

I raised an eyebrow. Maybe not the way Aries intended, but we would finally get to see their base. I felt a weight roll off my shoulders.

Fucking hell, the enemy of my enemy type of shit. Thank fuck for these two. It's probably a long ride, I could get some sleep. Or maybe properly introduce myself.

I threw a glance over to the three chupas that stood away from us, I didn't want to talk to Jersey, and it seemed she wanted nothing to do with us which I was perfectly fine with. Miranda was already familiar with both of us so there was no point. That left... The fourth chupa with painted nails. Sammy, Jersey had called him. He wore some type of shorts- Now that I thought about it, so did York. I was almost seventy percent sure Jersey had been wearing shorts on that bridge too.

I'm overthinking this. My brain's fried. Post near shootout adrenaline drop.

I moved to catch up with Wash, letting my rifle just hand on the sling. I was oddly glad I didn't have to use it, nobody needed to die, and no one did.

Well, we're both short. We've got common ground there. I can only hope they aren't like Jersey.

I only got three steps in their direction before I was stopped by a firm hand on my chest plate, I followed the arm to my left shoulder where Aries stood next to me.

He moved in front facing me as he bent down and pulled me close, letting his arms drape over my shoulders. His face was practically rubbing mine as he dropped to a low and breathy whisper, "You alright?"

"I- uh," I don't know why, but the sudden contact made me feel uncomfortable. It wasn't normal for him to do this. "Yeah. I'm good. What's up with you, why are-"

"Our friendly agent, Jersey, nearly got us all shot."

"You instigated-"

"Icarus," He warned.

I blinked at the mention of my actual name, he's started calling me by it more often and it seemed to just roll off his tongue. Even if it was to scold me, I still liked hearing him use my name.

"Look. When we get there, we are guests. Do not ask for anything but take what is offered. Ask questions. Talk to everyone. Can you do that for me? I would join you in this, but there'll be too many eyes on. Can you handle that?"

I nodded.

"Words, Icarus."

I managed to find my voice a stutter back a, "Y-yeah- yes I can."

"Good boy."

Then he walked away to join Wash, leaving me flustered and mentally scrambled.

Why did he say that? 'Good boy'- I'm not his pet. I'm not! Why did he say it like that? I hate it when he does that.

I huffed and jogged over to catch up with him and the others, other than Jersey our new allies just seemed glad that nobody was going to get shot. The entire walk to their truck I couldn't stop thinking about what Aries had said and the way he's treated me recently.

I wonder what's up with him. I used to think he hated me, now he's asking if I'm okay- using my real name. Did I do something wrong? Say something wrong? Maybe tonight has his emotions out of whack, that standoff was nearly a disaster after all.

I shook my head, trying to clear it.

Deciphering Aries was like rocket science, at least I could imagine that rocket science was that hard. Aries never truly smiled- well, there were a few nights- but outside of that, he was emotionally dead other than irritation and anger.

I leaned my head back and yawned, throwing odd my train of thought.

I hope it's a long ride.

Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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