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Close to the Sun

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Tales 1 | Chapter 6 | Tales 2
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Tales 3 | Tales 4 | Tales 5 | Tales 6 | Chapter 10 | Tales 7
Tales 8 | Chapter 11 | Tales 9 | Tales 10 | Tales 11 | Tales 12

Chapter 8

By the tenth day of this, I no longer needed a map, nor did I need Aries to wake me in the morning. I'd cut down the time on the ‘hike' down to an hour, practically sprinting the distance without becoming tired. As much as I hated to admit it, Aries knew how to get results fast.

I lifted myself over the cliff face, setting down the bag and just staring at the black chupa. It wasn't often that I got to observe him, his glare was a good demotivator. He looked calm, sitting in the same position he always did, pointed away from the stream with his head dipped in the direction of the sun.

Why is that?

"Any particular reason you've taken an interest in staring at me," Aries commented with his eyes closed, "Perhaps I've finally won over your heart through my dashing looks? Or maybe... You've gotten tired of waiting for our training. If you're so bored, then we can skip your little sip of water and fight now?"

"You know what," I rolled my shoulders, "Bring it. I've got you figured out now."

"Were it so easy?"

Aries seemed to materialize the blade from thin air, twirling it slowly and circling, but I mirrored his motion. I knew better than to let him leave my sight, let alone get behind me. He leaped forward with a horizontal slash, I moved to jump back and lost my footing landing flat on my back. The black chupa charged, I pulled my legs in, and right as he was practically leaning over me, I kicked out planting both feet into his midsection and sending him careening over me. I rolled over onto hands and knees in time to catch him roll off his back to a kneeling position, he rose and got low, leveling the blade at my face. There was something different about the look in his eye, he looked entertained.

I was back to my feet in an instant, closing the distance. I ducked under a high swing, punching his sword hand and causing him to drop it. I kicked it away and grabbed him by his chest protection, he fished his hands under mine and freed himself before shoving me back. I stepped forward throwing an overhand right, he spun around pulling my arm over his back and slammed me into the dirt. He turned heel looking for his sword and swiped his legs out from under him with an arm, he fell to a knee, and I scrambled to my feet and tried to tackle him.

No you don't!

He must have been faster than I remembered because the moment I hit him I was in a headlock, Aries pulled back a knee and slammed it into my chest with a growl, and I felt all the air vacate my lungs before I was tossed aside. I was on the ground for only a moment, then I was back on my feet wheezing for air.

For the first time in the entirety that I had known this psychopath, he seemed winded. He seemed to be relishing our fight, but he seemed tired even if it was just slightly. I couldn't tell if I should be disturbed or not.

"You're holding back," I muttered.

"Prove it," He taunted, dropping to a comfortable-looking low stance. The chupa raised both his hands like claws and pointed them my way.

"You haven't cut me a single time."

"You'd like to believe that wouldn't you?"

"Fuck you."

"Is that anger I detect?"

I fought every primal urge that screamed for me to blindly rush him and just waited. Aries moved first and I shifted my weight onto my back foot leaning out of the way of a claw that was more than likely meant for my face. I tried to back up, but he stepped on my tail and lit me up with a barrage of punches. I pulled my head back and headbutted him to buy myself some space. I landed a body shot and he backed off or was getting himself some distance as he came back at me with a tornado kick, I didn't have time to dodge, and the moment it connected I could feel the blood start to run from my nose, but I stayed on my feet. I pulled back for another swing and he kicked up dirt, spraying it into my eyes.

You bastard!

I rubbed my eyes trying to quickly clear my vision.

Where's the sword?

By this point, I'd lost track of it. Aries rushed me again and I opted for a left hook, it caught air as he ducked under, and before I could react his fist smashed into my lower jaw knocking me clean off my feet. I hit the ground with a rough bounce and rolled onto something while I watched my blood pool from my nose in the grass, it was long and sharp.

His sword.

What should have come out as an excited chuckle came out as an exhausted coughing fit, I wormed my hands around the handle as I lay facing away from my attacker.

"Got ahead of yourself at the end there," I listened as his footsteps got closer, "It was certainly more aggressive from you, you've still got more to work on-"

I rolled over and slashed at him, he barely had enough time to put out his hands and it tore through the thick wraps on both. He flinched back and I got to my feet with his sword in my hands, struggling to keep it steady. Despite how easily Aries wielded it, it was much heavier than it looked and much sharper than it looked as blood leaked from his palms.

I-I got his sword- okay, what now?

I advanced on him swinging hard, watching impressed as he used his unnatural agility to weave out of danger. I brought it above my head and sliced it down. Aries' eyes locked onto the blade, and he clapped his hands together on the blade stopping it mid-swing.

Oh okay, what the fuck?

He threw it to the side, spinning me away. I whirled back around and began to charge, but he racked the slide on his handgun and pointed it at my chest. I pointed the sword at his head, struggling to keep it up.

"I win," I panted, "I beat you."

Aries rolled his eyes motioning to his pistol, "Said the student to the master with a loaded handgun pointed at him."

"I got you with your own weapon, I won."

"It's a hollow victory if it ends in you looking down the barrel, isn't it?"

"You cheated."

"At what point did I tell you I was fighting fair? Do you think our enemies are going to follow some code of ethics or honor?"

I paused; I hadn't really thought about it like that. But I won our fight, and I wanted my credit.

"Let me guess, it's heavier than it looks- right?"

I was almost taken aback, "Yeah, but it's sharp as hell."

"You did make some improvements. You do listen to me sometimes. Sword."

Aries clicked the safety and put the gun back in its holster, I tossed him his sword. He caught it, twirled it with ease as if it were weightless, and slid it silently back into the sheath. If the short sword was that heavy I could only imagine how heavy the katana is.

"Say... You hungry?"

"You- Yes, why?"

"Good, good. Here's the plan."


I stepped through the heavy brush, pushing a leaf out of the way as the overgrown Blue base was revealed to me. Two guards were posted outside, but just my luck they were facing the opposite way.

Why do I have to be the bait? There's no way in hell they go for this.

I took a deep breath and swallowed my pride, I was never gonna live this down.

I jogged up to the base making quite a lot of noise intentionally making both guards turn to face me, "Howdy! How you boys doin' ta-day?"

"Hello," The closest guard offered a wave, "Stop right there, what are you doing out here in your underwear?"

"Ah ya know, new guy hazing. They dragged my bed out in tha' middle of tha' night, it's a long way back 'n I was just wonderin' if you folks might be willing to part with some food."

The guard ruffled his own short blue mane, "Sounds rough fella. I'm sure our sergeant won't mind. Come on in. We can give you a ride back to your base afterward."

I can't believe they bought that. I was right to not join the army, these motherfuckers are dumb. Why did I have to use the accent?

I entered the base and smelled food instantly; I couldn't remember the last time I had food that didn't come in a package. I rounded a corner and spotted three more chupas sitting at a table, talking. I stopped paying any attention to their words the moment they sat me down for some food, I was lost in flavor when someone kicked in the door, and something thudded against the ground. I felt like I was missing something.

"Stray," Aries' irritated tone caused me to look up at the door where he stood with his foot on the neck of one of the soldiers and a gun pointed at everyone else in the room, "Really? You forgot to signal me."

Not like you can blame me; I didn't even want to do this.

"Oh... I knew I was forgetting something. Bacon?"

"Later. Go pack their food and guns in the warthog outside, I'll handle the witnesses. This is why we stick to the plan."

I almost felt bad as I left to go find the armory.


Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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